Fit at 57: How it Started, How it’s Going
Most studios hire trainers that are already fit and teach them the Lagree Method/Mega Pilates. We got fit using the method— we’ll show you how!
We often get confused, puzzled looks when we say we got fit using the Lagree Method, exclusively. But it’s true! Kerri and Tony Stringer Before and After: Stats from our 8 year Lagree Journey
How It Started:
Celebrating Kerri’s 50th
February 27th, 2017
Staying fit into your fifties? Hard. Getting fit in your Fifties? Harder….
Life happens! As a Sales, Product, and Process Trainer for the automotive industry I traveled the world, trashed my spine and posture, and gained a ton of weight; too many airplanes, rental cars, and bad hotel beds. Tony stayed home with the critters, but being a start-up Software Engineer he had all the cards stacked against him. He was clocking-in just shy of 250lbs, and dependent on prescription drugs to manage blood pressure, cholesterol and more. It was time for a lifestyle change—for both of us. It was time to get fit!
How it’s Going:
Memorial Day, 2023
May 29, 2023
Lagree History:
May 2015 Certified as Lagree instructor with Natasha K. through LFI
June 2016 Re-certified with Natasha K and LFI
June 2018 Certified Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
2015-2019 Instructed Group and Private Sessions; Assisted with In-Studio Trainer Development and Continuing Education
July 2019 Certified Advanced at LFI with Lucas Paul
Fall 2019 Began IMC with Focus on Private-Instruction Training
Progress Snapshot: Summer 2020
Age: 53 Weight in photo: 115
Current weight: waivers between 120-125— I like tacos (and the holiday season!) 🌮😎
Lagree / Workout History:
Spring 2016: Finally listens to his wife and takes a Lagree class
2016-2019: Recognizes many similarities between Lagree and martial arts, a modality he practiced in his late teens/twenties. He and his famous cat shirts became instant hits
Progress Snapshot: Summer 2020
Weight in photo: 165
Goal Weight: 160. Close — but more work to do! 💪🏼
There were other activities that contributed to our results, to be sure. Prior to Lagree we enjoyed trail biking as an alternative workout, but it was always either transportation or just a hobby, nothing we ‘trained’ in. In 2012, I gave liposuction a try. Turns out it helps—but with no serious change in my lifestyle it all came back—-just more awkwardly. We love working in the yard and graded and tiered our lot, added garden wall detail, steps with lighting and all landscaping—no easy feat especially in Florida in August but it all contributed. This work is where most will injure themselves; I hurt myself far more in the yard with a rake than on my Micro. To that end, we have learned to take the principles from Lagree and apply them to real life and have realized posture and strength gains as a result.
FUN-ctional Fitness
Housework, yardwork, hobbies—it all counts, but watch your form! Kinetic chain form checks are most important here!
Do we do more than just the Lagree modality? Yes! While both of us used the method to achieve our initial results, we do incorporate additional sources of fitness—especially when we find the time. National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) recommends ‘layering’ workouts and activities for ultimate full-body stimulation: The Lagree method consists of slow, controlled full-body movements that isolate and focus on specific muscle groups—Hips are nearly always in a static position. Biking, static-climbing, and other activities that also isolate the hips may be too much for some, especially if you have tight hip flexors. To supplement, choose activities that are opposite: incorporating speed, agility, and quickness such as walking, running, swimming, free-climbing or belay; games like pickleball, volleyball, tennis, racquetball etc. Also, never underestimate the power of stretching, mobility, and restorative modalities: yoga, massages, and stretch clinics can go a long way to round-out your fitness. Even sex can be a workout. Hey—we’re 56—not dead. Seriously, enjoy your strong pelvic floor and check the HR spike on your Fitbit—well, maybe afterwards😉. The point is that all of these challenge the body in different ways and will contribute to well-rounded fitness. That said, the foundation of our fitness success is Lagree and we will always Lagree, as long as our bodies allow us to.
Progress Shots: Our Lagree Journey 2015-2024
Summer 2015
Certified Lagree trainer: June. Promptly got hungry—and gained…160+ came AFTER I started Lagree
Summer 2016
Planks = upper body 💪🏼
September 2016
6 months into Lagree—the cat shirts rock!
Halloween 2016
Little Red Riding Hood and “Grandma” Wolf
Spring 2017
Progress. And a perfect Scrambled Egg.
May 2018
First Neck Surgery: 3 days after. And damn right, I am at a brewery!
Note: My diagnosis came in early April and I was immediately kicked off my Mega and told not to workout—but walking was okay. Between April and June walking was my only mode of fitness. I got to know St Pete pretty well!
June 2018
First attempt at group class—it wasn’t pretty…
And that form hurts my feelings
February 2019
The cats shirts are getting smaller
March 2019
Out on the Town
March 24th, 2019
Professional Pic by Anna Cardona, Light of the Moon Photography
July 2019 If you know, you know: LFI HQ for Advanced Certification
Summer 2019
Studio Renovations!
October 2019
Everyone is surprised by our new-comer
Build / Reveal
Let the research begin
Purple hair Don’t Care
More Cat Shirts, FTW
20 Year Anniversary of meeting in Bonaire, December, 2019 Met March 11th, 1999 in Bonaire Tony=windsurfer Kerri=Diver Now we’re both, both!
Winter 2020
New machine, new form considerations
March 2020
A BMW gig = Lagree Tourism! Studio 3 STL in Brentwood, Mo
When travelling we love to take other studios’ classes: Corus 45 in Cleveland—we’re heading your way in August!
And then a Pandemic
We all remember the date…
April 2020
A winging scapula: a symptom of bigger issues
May 2020
And, second surgery; disc replacements did not work; removed and C4-6 fused
Note: Mega was instrumental in my rehab and recovery—true for all my surgeries, but this one in particular
July 2020
Micro Arrives: Flower, Magellan, and Le Gris are unimpressed—but curious
Summer, 2020
We realize how fun it is—Outside!
August 2020
IMC Outdoor Studio Opens
Fall, 2020
St Pete Pier
January, 2021
That vascularization though!
May, 2021
IMC Mobile Launches
May the 4th be with You!
First time out post-vaccine/pandemic!
IMC Running at Speed
Playing with the studio flooring and machine placement
June, 2021
Catching up with family—for the first time in more than a year
Summer 2021
.Plants Go Into The Studio
….Both Studios
Hanging Air Plant Installation
Summer 2021
Technology evolves…
We Briefly Considered This
Cool, but rather have the mirror
Christmas 2021
Joyful and Bright
Pain in shoulder and elbow = Third Surgery, January 2022: Removed an osteophyte from right wrist and Carpal Tunnel Release—the final resolution of the college accident
February, 2022
We’re Floridians, of course we shuffleboard
Spring, 2022
More confidence, new machines
Boo the Workout Parrot
Great workout buddy, seriously! (Wolf whistles don’t hurt, just saying)
May, 2022
What?! New Floor, who Dis?
July, 2022
October, 2022
November, 2022
The pot-hole that yanked my front scooter wheel, throwing me down a hill, and breaking my wrist 😒
I literally just finished the complete rehab from the last surgery—on that wrist. Are you #$%^% kidding me?! 😮😣😭<Sigh> Once more, into the breech.
Mega or Micro?
Depends. We prefer both
January, 2023
The Research Continues…
Spring, 2023
Filming Continues…
Virtual Training, Perfected
Our Goal is to teach our clients proficiency: with their machine, their studio, and themselves
Privates are Where You Learn Form
Specifically, your form and how to motivate your body to achieve it
Your Workout, Your Goals
In-Studio, Off-Site, On-Location, Virtually, or in-person (if you live in St Pete). We got you!
December 27th, 2023
The best part of the holidays is the food! We enjoy all of it because we Lagree!
Thanks for Viewing our (Shamelessly Vain) Journey! Check out the next blog Facilitated by Fitness to learn more of the cool things we enjoy because we Lagree. To shamelessly quote a fave film: “Never give up! Never surrender!”