The Power of the Private

Group Classes can be the bomb: They are a great way to experience any modality for the first time, it’s a chance to hone your skills with friends, and a fantastic place to show off 😉. But meaningful and enduring results require one-on-one training, specific to you and your needs. The power of the private session allows you to take your workouts truly next level, safely and confidently,

Some of the earliest records of physical training are drawings on the walls of a funerary chapel in Beni-Hassan in Egypt (estimated at 4500 years ago).

Workout Like an Egyptian?

The earliest depictions of humans training physically, appear around 2500 BCE on the walls of caves in Egypt, and immediately thereafter in other artwork such as vases, a trainer is depicted at the athlete’s side, correcting their form. Valuing physical fitness, ancient Greece and Sparta began training boys in schools and other group forums as early as age 7, even girls were encouraged to train in running, calisthenics and gymnastics. As the athletes age, though,  they are depicted less in group settings and more one-on-one:  Most athletes employed professional trainers to coach them, honing their skills for competition at the Olympics or other sporting events. Fast forward 4500 years: most workout modalities are no different— The group forum is still the easiest way to experience and learn—but the trainer is still key.

“The athlete is shown on the shoulder of the vase, and is captured in mid-jump, while to the right a trainer urges him on.”

Carole Raddato from FRANKFURT, Germany

Learning and Growing in the Method

A great group trainer will help you learn and grow in any modality but they are only guides; especially in large attendance classes

Group Training is Great—Especially for Beginners

Most experience Pilates or the Lagree method in group settings at one of the hundreds of Lagree or Mega Pilates Studios worldwide:  if you can hold a squat, a lunge, and a plank, for more than a few seconds, a group session is the most economical, the least commitment, and the best fit for the lion's share of people.  And like the ancient athletes mentioned above, beginning as a group has advantages: everyone understands “Follow the Leader” or “Simon Says”: learning by watching others do something is the simplest way to communicate basic form. But, If the student never moves beyond this phase, it can devolve into “Cargo Culting”.

Cargo Cult/Cargo Culting:


An approach that copies an existing successful approach without properly analyzing and understanding it;

An erroneous system of belief that desired results can be obtained solely through mimicry.

Cargo Culting-—it’s a thing! Mostly seen in Pacific Island nations after WW2 (Look it Up!) the concept is that most learn by watching and copying those around them–which is why group works so well for those new to the modality.  In fact you will typically hear trainers advise a new student who, in the group, they should watch.  It’s the ‘what’ in the “what, how and why”. 

But if a student stops there and doesn’t understand the ‘how’s and whys’ of the method or the move, they will likely plateau: just because you built the plane—doesn’t mean it will actually fly. Worse, as the student’s confidence grows they will push themselves further, potentially risking injury.

To Torture the Metaphor Completely:

If you don’t know why the core move “Bear” has a specific range of motion, you will most likely exceed it

Privates are Where You Learn Form:

Specifically, your form, and how to manipulate your body to achieve its highest and best use. Are you engaging and squeezing your glutes, or dumping into your joints? One builds muscle…

A Plan Specific to You and Your Needs

Training frequency, duration, and intensity all depend on the individual student: Budget, workout space and time-constraints do too

It begins with a discussion about you: your goals, your capabilities, your injuries or perceived ‘inadequacies’.  How do you prefer to train? What are the barriers to your workouts that you face? What other modalities do you practice, or want to? I will assess these and recommend the right coaching program to meet your needs and budget. And, as you get stronger and more capable—or, face unexpected challenges and need more TLC, your plan will change too.

Own Your Own Equipment—or want to? We got you! Virtually, from anywhere in the world!

Own your own equipment? Train with IMC—from your own studio! We offer private, Zoom-based sessions with thorough form corrections and digital review.. We also combine these sessions with pre-selected content from our On-Demand library allowing the student to complete self-study sessions according to their personal workout plan. In addition, weekly digital check-ins and post-workout form reviews solidify the student’s learning and provide accountability.

My Goal:

Teach my owners self-training proficiency

with their equipment, the method, their environment, and themselves

Learn to train themselves, like a trainer

Simply put, I want you to like me, but not need me! 😉

Whether In-studio…

Along with traditional hands-on form correction, multiple, in-studio cameras capture the student in motion for more complete form corrections and digital review.

Your Goals are my goals.

…or Virtual

Pre-recorded content with our beloved “Crash Test Dummies” allows the student to follow a virtual Pilates professional performing the routine while the trainer focuses exclusively on the student’s form

Whatever your goal, IMC is here for you

The Power of the Private:

In-Person Coaching:

  • State of the Art Megaformer M3K+ and Microformer machines

  • Manageable: No recurring fees, charges, or contracts

  • Option to pursue ownership pathway or continue exclusively with In-studio Training

Virtual Coaching:

  • Personalized and Timely: Your equipment, your schedule, your demands. On Demand content is available in multiple time-formats to more easily adapt to your schedule

  • Manageable: No recurring fees, charges, or contracts

  • Accountable: Weekly check ins and post-workout form reviews of self-study content keep us both on track

For the best workout results, it looks like the ancients were right—-Train like an ancient Egyptian: i.e.; in all ways possible: in private; in group, in-doors; outdoors; with a trainer, and without. But for the best results— Learn to train yourself like a trainer—and follow your workout destiny wherever it takes you. The Private Session is how you start.

Turns out, if you really want great results, train like an Egyptian!

Kitty Love GIF by Jennie from Pixabay


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The IMC Approach