The Critters of IMC

They have introduced you to many workout routines; they have virtually visited more than a few private sessions; Grinch has even blown kisses to a few lucky peeps— on- and off- camera; our fabulous felines and clever Boo make workouts way more fun with IMC!

Flower and Cozette enjoying the outdoors

The Whole Family

A rare glimpse of the entire tribe, circa 2016

Sweetie outside the lanai screen, prior to becoming an I.C.

Happy 25th Birthday Grinchie-Boo!

Also pictured: My late Mother, Carma Henry Austin, holding Grinch

Grinch Boo-Butt Stringer, nee Silverman. Hatched July 29th, 1998. Brought home officially October 1998

Every Day is Wing Day!

Grinchie loves Lagree and he is quite the motivator!

Congo African Grey Parrot

Potential lifespan 50-60+ years

Our newest family member: Sweetie- π Stringer born March, 2019 (Approx.) Originally an “O.C.”

Sweetie Loves riding the Mega—and participating

Sweetie the Bad-Ass Mega-Cat

Initially, Sweetie was an Outside Cat (O.C.), a local stray without a home. We TNVR’d him Fall 2019 and he quickly found his way inside

Cozette “Cozy” Disco Stringer, found July 2016 crying under the neighbor’s car

This little girl has attitude


Cozy prefers the Micro over the Mega

Megellan “Magie” Trouble Stringer, born to feral O.C. “Mama”, Spring 2015 in our back yard

Magie is the explorer of the household—very brave but shy. Also littermate to Night and LeGris

Night Scared-of-My-Shadow Stringer—a very rare photo of this true Void-Cat

LeGris “the Grey” —very shy kitty with a strong dislike of humans.

The trio of kittens were brought into the house after they alerted us to a fire in our backyard (Good kitties!) This was during my first certification in 2015 and we thought it would be funny and/ or ironic to name the grey kitten “LeGris” or Le Gris, which means “the (male) grey” in French. Of course, it is pronounced la-gree much like the modality we all practice. It is not to be confused with Seb’s name: Ley-grey. (It wasn’t a fanboy thing—I just love funny names! 😎)

Feral Outside Cat “Mama”: she lived here long before we did. Estimated to be 10 years old, TNVR’d Summer, 2015

No Longer with us but very much in our Hearts:

Flower Nine-Toes Stringer, born Spring 2014 to O.C. “Mama”; found on our front porch the day we closed on the house; “Welcome to St Pete, here’s your kitten!”

Flower was the older sibling of Night, LeGris, and Magie; they, like us, still miss him

Flower passed away suddenly Fall 2022. He was such a part of IMC we had to include him, if only posthumously

O.C. “Princess” >>>>>>>

Sweetie’s littermate. She came to us very feral but already TNVR’d; she lives on property with Mama.

Catnip: Food of the Gods


😻Make Your Fitbit Fear You😻


Micros on the Move: