😻Make Your Fitbit Fear You😻
Are you Taking Your Megaformer Pilates / Lagree sessions to Intensity?
If you're not hitting a HR of 140+ you're probably not. Do you actually track your Heart Rate?
“The Lagree Method ensures users will hit the anaerobic threshold and a heart rate over 145/150 BPM when performed correctly.” Sebastien Lagree, LFI Website
The Lagree Method / Megaformer Pilates
is a series of body moves, performed very slowly in an eight-count or longer, with zero-impact on joints. These moves morph the body through different poses, forming blocks and sequences, that elegantly rotate through the body’s musculature more akin to Tai Chi or Yoga. But unlike those modalities that rely on the students’ body weight only, we perform these sequences on a Mega or Micro adding the weight of the carriage, the tension of the springs, and balance as a factor. These factors amplify the work, and when done correctly, amplify the Heart Rate.
Lagree Method creator, Sebastien Lagree likened it to being chased by a tiger: you recruit and engage so many muscles and stress the body to the point it thinks you are in an emergent situation: your heart is pounding at a high rate, you’re shaking, and out of breath. This is an aerobic workout with a traditional cardio component.
Why So Effective?
All those additional factors–spring tension, balance, pace, etc. drive the heart rate and body into an aerobic, oxidative state, triggering EPOC or Excess Post-Oxygen Consumption: a state in which the bodys’ metabolism is elevated after exercise, burning 3-4 times the calories than a traditional anaerobic routine would. Shaking and gasping for air is the goal: It’s not sweat but breath that determines fat loss
NASM, 2019
In-Studio and Virtual Privates with IMC
Zero-impact, high-intensity, and safe workouts that work! If your workout isn’t getting you where you want to be, come check us out! Schedule a free, virtual private consultation with IMC today, and we’ll help you find intensity in your Pilates workouts!