Micros on the Move:

Survey your sites!  Your prep, up-font, will mean a better workout and fitness experience!

Have yoga mat: will travel—Micros take a little more time and planning—but trust us, it’s worth it!

Look, we get it–the weather is finally starting to look nice and you and your Micro are dying to go outside to your nearest park and lunge. Trust us–Do a site survey first.  Or just take a mat and stretch but if you want a great workout, take the time and do a site survey before dragging this loveable 50 lbs around. 

Reasons to do a site survey:

You might enjoy a beautiful sunrise but not get the workout you needed.

You might get a fabulous workout–dragging it around–but not the workout you were planning and not the sunrise event you were hoping for.

Do you know what your nearby park looks like at dawn or at sunset?  Is it well-traveled and secure, Or a little scary?  You can’t focus on your Twister if you’re worried about your safety.

We’re Looking for:

Flat, Even Ground

Some ground variation will help your workout: nothing challenges proprioception–or balance–like uneven ground. 

But too much, and you’re suddenly on a Supra questioning life.

Using incline to add to your workout can be amazing, but unless it is intentional, too much incline will lead most to break-outs, a low-heart rate session and frustration. 

You also want to make sure the Micro lies flat; we found many locations that were absolutely gorgeous–but the entire property sloped just enough that we could never get the Micro flat

Preferably Concrete

Nothing provides a more flat, supportive surface than concrete! And most parks are filled with sidewalks made of concrete surfaces perfect for you and your Micro.

BUT! (we’ll go into detail on this point in a later installment) make sure there is a barrier between you and the ground in any public space:  Certain strains of Hepatitis can be transferred from material left days previous–protect yourself:

Wear shoes that provide basic foot protection or use a thick mat or other barrier placed between the Micro and the ground that you step on.

Watch for “What’s Under Your Micro” for more details…

Easy Egress

It’s 50 LBs and awkward, the closer the parking the better, this will help with security too

Parking should be close to actual site: best case is the ability to back into the parking area for easy transport out of vehicle

Vehicle located nearby can be a relocation spot in case of inclement weather and provides easier security:

with the vehicle in sight, moving equipment between the two is more secure

Beautiful Scenery

Are you Filming your session?  We will discuss this topic further in a following segment but we highly recommend filming all of your routines, especially the ones with pretty views.  These are not just vanity pieces, they are also a great tool to check and correct form

Watch for the Blog Topic: “Filming for Form Success”, coming soon

Not Filming: Strictly Here For the View

Point the front of the Micro where you think sunrise  will rise or set or towards any other pretty visual; choose a basic routine that (mostly) keeps you facing this direction. 


Filming You and Your Routine

Detailed Version Coming Soon

Main Points:

Unless intentional for an artistic piece, make sure you aren’t backlit

Check direction you’re facing: will the sun will be too intensive in the eyes?

Shade is Your Friend!

Announce you are filming with signage, on or near your camera position: it’s a subtle hint to give you space; it lets peeps in the area know to stay away if they don't want to be filmed; and warns anyone looking to make a scene or steal anything of the likelihood of being captured—at least on film.

Other Considerations:

Emergency relocation spots in case of sudden, inclement weather know where there are covered picnic table areas or other sources of refuge. Your car may be the best option; have a tarp in the back of your vehicle to quickly cover the Micro in sudden, rainy situations. Never continue working out if lightening is present: evacuate to a safe location as soon as you hear thunder approaching

Proximity to comfort stations and restrooms no one wants that cup of coffee to want out at the worst time–but it will.  Know where to go–if, and when, you need to.

Security and groundskeeping have some basic knowledge of when security makes rounds or when groundskeeping occurs.   Be aware and thoughtful of other patrons in the area and act accordingly. People will be curious; be a great Lagree ambassador!

One Final Note:

Look for any way you could disrupt the local flora and fauna and simply—don’t

At IMC we advocate for being good custodians of nature

Don’t disturb Nests, burrows, or any other obvious animal homes

Watch for insect nests: our nickname for this site is “Fire Ant Park” and if you aren’t familiar, they can be very painful and potentially dangerous.  If you aren’t paying attention they can inflict hundreds if not thousands of bites–there are far better ways to motivate yourself 😎

Want Music?

We suggest earbuds:

A boombox won’t just disrupt other park patrons it could disrupt the local animal life: nesting and other behaviors are common at sunrise and sunset.  Rock out to a playlist in your ear; or enjoy the joy of nothing at all…

OR Attend one of LFI’s Micro events

Find areas that are designated workout spots and intended to be noisy: like an outdoor designated gym space or an LFI Outdoor Micro Event. Places that are supposed to be loud and raucous; your local beach or park probably isn’t.

Survey Your Sites!

Your prep up font will mean a better workout and fitness experience!

Next Topic: Transport! 


The Critters of IMC